
Missing Out On Quality Time With My Kids Because Of My 2020 Dodge RAM 1500


Byย Suzanne Henderson
LETTER 104 โ€“ March 2023 | Dissatisfied

Dear Suzanne,

Resolve Your Lemon Problem!

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As a single parent, I strive to make my children happy by taking them on outings occasionally. Unfortunately, ever since I started driving my 2020 Dodge RAM 1500, I’ve been letting them down far too often. You may wonder why I’m blaming my vehicle, but once I’m finished explaining my experiences, you’ll understand my perspective.




My troubles began when I bought my truck brand new a few years ago. Even though it currently has only 33,000 miles, I’ve had to take it to the RAM Trucks dealership multiple times for repairs related to electrical issues, fuel filters, sensors, and more. Let me provide some details.

The first time I took my truck in for repairs, it had about 15,000 miles on it. We were en route to visit my mother in San Diego, a trip we were all looking forward to. Sadly, we couldn’t complete the journey. About halfway there, the vehicle suddenly shut down and wouldn’t restart. I had to navigate it to the side of the road to avoid causing more traffic.

When I called the dealership, they towed the vehicle, but told me I had to pay for a diagnosis, even though it was still under warranty. They determined that the fuel filters, some sensors, and other parts were faulty, claiming that the fuel compartment was contaminated, possibly by my actions. I was confused by this accusation, but I let it slide.


I had to leave my truck at the dealership for 30 days. During that time, I wasn’t provided with a rental, so I had to pay for one myself. Additionally, I had to cover the cost of replacing parts like the fuel filter and high-pressure pump.

After this repair, my truck seemed to work fine for a while. However, a few months later, I received a recall letter addressing the same issue. The dealership contacted me, admitting the vehicle was defective and I wasn’t at fault. They reimbursed me around $6,700.


Things seemed okay until one day, while driving to a funfair with my kids, the dashboard lights came on, and the engine shut off. I couldn’t restart the vehicle, so I had to call the dealership again. This time, they diagnosed a battery problem but didn’t charge me, as I was still within the warranty period. This made me question why I had been charged during my first visit.

Two weeks ago, another sensor indicated that the depth system was malfunctioning. I also received a recall notice for another issue, but I haven’t been able to take my truck to the shop. With all these flaws, I question my vehicle’s dependability, and I’m not satisfied.



Document Your Dealership Repair Visits

Dear Dissatisfied,

I empathize with your situation and am sorry to hear that you’ve had to disappoint your children because of your vehicle’s problems.

Based on your description, it seems you’re dealing with a lemon. Your lawyer can start your case as soon as possible since you already meet the requirements. In California, to qualify as a lemon, you need two or more visits to the repair shop for the same issue, or three or more visits for different repairs, all within the warranty period. It doesn’t matter whether you leased or purchased the vehicle.


As the owner of a defective vehicle, you have two options: a buyback or a cash-and-keep settlement. With a buyback, the manufacturer buys the vehicle back from you, reimbursing you for your down payment, monthly payments, taxes, and interest. They also pay off the remaining balance to the dealership, so you don’t owe them any more money. Essentially, the manufacturer takes the car, and you get your money back. The only amount the automaker can deduct is the mileage offset, which accounts for the period you drove the car without issues. This is usually calculated based on the first time you took the vehicle in for repairs. However, your attorney may be able to negotiate a reduced or waived mileage offset since you were sold a defective car in the first place. Read more about the RAM Lemon Law buyback settlement option, how it works, eligibility criteria, affected models, common defects, and case examples.


The second option, known as cash-and-keep, involves receiving compensation for the inconvenience you’ve experienced while using your car. Essentially, this means you get a discounted price on the vehicle. You keep the car and continue making monthly payments to the dealership. The advantage of the cash-and-keep settlement is that if you decide to sell your vehicle later, you don’t have to disclose it as a lemon to the next owner. The more dealership visits you have, the more evidence of the car’s defectiveness, and the higher the compensation offer.

If you don’t feel safe driving your car, you don’t have to. You can leave it parked at home, but make sure you continue making monthly installment payments to keep your lemon case active. Avoid any pushback or deductions from the manufacturer, as they might have legitimate grounds to dismiss the case. If you do choose to drive the vehicle and encounter problems, take it to the dealership for proper checkups and collect the necessary paperwork.


When your attorney starts the case, you have the final say on which offer to accept. Your attorney is there to advise you on whether a better deal may be possible. They can’t promise a specific amount, but they will work to secure the best possible outcome for you.

Since you leased your vehicle in California, a customer-friendly state, you won’t be charged attorney fees. In California, lemon law cases are taken on a contingency basis. All attorney fees are paid by the manufacturing company, regardless of the case’s outcome. This means the total settlement, whether for a buyback or cash-and-keep offer, goes to you as the vehicle owner.


After filing a lawsuit against the manufacturer, it typically takes 30 to 55 days for them to make an offer. However, it can take up to 7 months for the entire lawsuit to be settled. If you need further clarification, contact your lemon law attorney. They can guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Best of luck with your case, and I hope you’ll soon be able to enjoy uninterrupted quality time with your children without worrying about your vehicle’s reliability.


PS. If you thinkย your vehicle sucksย and want to actually do something about it, you definitely can! Find out quickly if you have a case by visitingย www.yourvehiclesucks.comย right now. This website is owned by our partner law firmย Quill & Arrow LLP,ย Californiaโ€™s #1 โ€œsettledโ€ Lemon Law attorneys.


Free Legal Advice About Your 2020 Dodge RAM 1500 Lemon Law Claim

Dear reader, are your vehicle problems ruining your life? Confused about what legal route to take? Weโ€™re here to help! Find information about Californiaโ€™s lemon law protections here, fill out the form on this page, or give us a call at (323) 553-7525ย to discuss your situation with someone who understands how frustrating it can be to have a lemon car, and what to do about it.

DEAR SUZANNE is a weekly column written by Suzanne Henderson and published in LemonLawyers.ORG. If you have a defective lemon vehicle and have questions aboutย California Lemon Lawyerย or how to file a claim in California, please write toยย While not guaranteed, we will try to feature your letter in this column to provide you the answers you need, as well as enlighten other consumers who may have lemon problems similar to yours.

Disclaimer:ย Suzanne Henderson is not a lawyer and the points discussed here are intended for general information and reference purposes only and not to be construed as legal advice. Please consult aย California Lemon Lawyerย to get proper legal advice about your lemon law claim.

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