
My 2022 Jeep Wrangler Ruined My Perfect Birthday

July 13, 2023

Have you ever been so excited for something only for it to flop? That was me on my most recent birthday. I had made elaborate plans for the day and even paid to reserve a place to have it. I had no idea that something as simple as a battery issue could ruin all the plans I had made.

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Flames and Frustration From My 2021 Jeep Wrangler

March 7, 2023

I recently experienced a series of concerning events with my 2021 Jeep Wrangler, which I purchased new from an authorized California dealership, with no aftermarket parts and only 23,000 miles, I’ve already had to bring it in twice for engine oil leaks.

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Faulty Jeep 4XE Cost Me My Dream Job

February 21, 2023

In your opinion, what do you think is worse than being unemployed? For me, it is missing a job interview that you know you are more than qualified for. You may wonder how this relates to the issues I’ve been having with my car but I will get to that quite soon. Here’s my story.

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