Maserati Lemon Law Buyback Settlement Process

Maserati is renowned for creating high-performance vehicles with exceptional craftsmanship. Owners choose this brand because driving a Maserati represents luxury, elegance, and prestige.

However, it can be incredibly frustrating to encounter endless repairs on a luxury vehicle that’s meant to symbolize your success in life and career. We understand your frustration; nobody should have to deal with a lemon, especially not one with a hefty price tag. If you’re a Maserati owner stressed by the defects in your vehicle, the California Lemon Law could be the solution you need.

In this article, we will assist you in resolving your lemon car issue by getting rid of your defective Maserati and receiving financial compensation under the California Lemon Law. We will provide you with information on the Maserati Lemon Law buyback program, the qualifications for compensation, as well as the most common defects found in Maserati vehicles.

Moreover, we will identify which car models are affected and guide you through our 4-Step Plan to file a Maserati Lemon Law claim in California.


What is the Maserati Lemon Law Buyback Option?

Under the California Lemon Law, officially known as the California Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, there is a legal remedy available called a buyback or repurchase option. This option is designed to compensate customers who have purchased or leased a defective Maserati.

Essentially, the Maserati Lemon Law buyback settlement occurs when Maserati agrees to repurchase the vehicle from the customer and provides a settlement amount that includes several items:

  • The initial purchase price of the vehicle.
  • Sales tax and financing charges.
  • Vehicle registration fees.
  • Monthly payments already made.
  • Outstanding car loan balance.
  • Repair-related expenses.
  • Towing and alternative transportation expenses.
  • Civil penalties, if applicable.
  • Legal fees and court filing costs.

There are several ways to potentially achieve a buyback settlement outcome in a Lemon Law claim, including:

  • Negotiating directly with Maserati.
  • Obtaining a favorable court verdict.
  • Entering into arbitration with the company.

In the following sections, we will dive deep into the details of this process and the criteria that must be met for your Maserati vehicle to qualify.


How Does The Maserati Buyback Program Work?

The Maserati Lemon Law buyback settlement provides cash compensation to customers who have purchased a defective vehicle from the car manufacturer through a repurchase or buyback arrangement. This arrangement is applicable to both newly purchased or leased vehicles and used Maserati vehicles, given that the defects were identified and repairs were carried out during the vehicle’s original warranty period.

How do I get Maserati to buy back my vehicle?

To be eligible for compensation under this program, there are specific requirements that your Maserati must meet, which will be discussed in the following section. Additionally, it is necessary to file a Lemon Law claim.

When submitting a claim, it is important to consider two key points:

  • The defects or issues should have a significant negative impact on the vehicle’s use, functionality, safety, and resale value.
  • Maserati must have been aware of these defects, had the opportunity to repair them, and failed to do so despite multiple attempts. Please refer to the minimum number of repair visits (listed in the subsequent section) required to meet the legal standards.

Is a Maserati buyback the same as a trade-in deal?

No. A Maserati lemon buyback differs from a car trade-in. Trading in a vehicle involves exchanging it, based on its current depreciated market value, for a discount towards the purchase of a new vehicle. On the other hand, in a lemon law buyback, the manufacturer repurchases your car and reimburses you the entire amount you initially paid for it, as well as any related expenses outlined in the previous section.

The next section will focus on the requirements your Maserati must meet to be considered a lemon and qualify for compensation.


Determining if Your Maserati Qualifies for a Lemon Law Buyback

In order to qualify for compensation under the California Lemon Law, a defective Maserati vehicle must meet one or more of the specific criteria stated below:

  • The car has been taken to the dealership for repairs at least twice due to a significant safety defect (such as steering problems, transmission issues, suspension defects, etc.).
  • The car has been brought to a Maserati dealership at least four times for a non-safety related issue.
  • The vehicle has been at the dealership for repairs for a cumulative total of more than 30 days, for a combination of defects.

If any of these conditions are met within the first 18 months or 18,000 miles, the car is presumed to be a lemon under the Legal Presumption of Lemon Law.

However, even if you experience delays in filing a case or the car issues arise after the initial 18-month period or 18,000 miles, you still retain your rights as a consumer to pursue a claim. In fact, your car may still be eligible for compensation even beyond this timeframe if the defects or issues surfaced during the warranty period.

Maserati currently offers a 3-year contractual warranty, a 2-year extended warranty up to the 5th year, and the Extra 10 Warranty that extends coverage up to the 10th year. For more information about your car’s specific warranty program, please visit the Maserati Extended Warranty page.


Frequently Encountered Maserati Vehicle Issues

While different models of Maserati vehicles may have distinct defects, there are certain problems that tend to recur across multiple models. Many Lemon Law cases filed against Maserati are a result of experiencing one or more of these issues:

  • Brake problems
  • Clutch issues
  • Transmission issues
  • Poor build quality leading to high exterior wear
  • Faulty electrical systems (malfunctioning lights, dead batteries, and faulty sensors)
  • Automatic transmission failure
  • Suspension issues (excessive noise, excessive vibration, and rough ride quality)

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of common Maserati defects, and individual experiences may vary. The key point to remember is that any ongoing or recurrent defect that significantly hampers the use, safety, or resale value of the vehicle can serve as grounds for filing a complaint.


Maserati Models Under Lemon Law

Do you want to find out which Maserati models are covered by the Lemon Law in California? The following Maserati vehicle models are protected under the Lemon Law:

Maserati Grecale SUV
Maserati Levante SUV
Maserati Ghibli Luxury Sedan
Maserati Quattroporte Full-size Maserati luxury sedan
Maserati MC20 Sports Car
Maserati MC20 Cielo Sports Car
Maserati Gran Turismo Grand Tourer

As a California resident, if you own a faulty vehicle (any of these Maserati models special editions) still under the manufacturer’s original warranty, you might qualify for compensation.

Our team can assist you with Lemon Law claims if you own a Maserati model from the years:

  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024

We emphasize the importance of model years as there’s a time limit in filing a claim. California enforces a Statute of Limitations on Lemon Law claims, which means that if you own an earlier model, it may no longer be eligible for compensation.


The Maserati Buyback Claims Process: Our 4-Step Plan

By following this straightforward and practical 4-step Maserati buyback plan, you can increase your chances of achieving a successful outcome:

Step 1: Finding Out If You Have A Case

The first step involves evaluating the strength of your case. In California, the majority of lemon lawyers offer complimentary initial consultations, which you should take advantage of to have a legal expert assess your situation.

Once you have confirmed that you have a strong case, you can decide to hire an experienced California Lemon Law attorney. Whether you pursue a settlement through negotiation or other means, having a skilled lawyer on your side significantly improves your chances of securing a favorable outcome.

Step 2: Building Up Your Case

The evidence for your Maserati case will primarily consist of repair documents.

Maintaining accurate documentation of all your repair visits is essential. Repair orders and invoices issued by the Maserati dealership each time you take your vehicle for repairs will serve as evidence in your case. Other important documents, such as warranty papers and repair-related receipts, may also be necessary to support your claim.

If the number of repair visits falls short of the requirement, your attorney might advise you to return your vehicle to the Maserati dealership for additional repairs. This is to guarantee that you satisfy the necessary criteria for pursuing your Lemon Law claim.

Step 3: Filing Your Claim

After collecting all the necessary documentary evidence and meeting all legal requirements, your attorney will begin the process of filing a lawsuit. We highly recommend filing a case to our clients because once the case is officially filed in court, Maserati will be required to take your claim seriously and adhere to a strict timeline when responding to your compensation claim.

Step 4: Reaching a Settlement

Once the case is filed, there are two possible outcomes: reaching a negotiated settlement with the auto manufacturer or proceeding to trial.

In reality, pursuing a Lemon Law claim in California without substantial supporting evidence is unlikely to succeed. To increase the chances of a favorable outcome, a skilled Lemon Law attorney will ensure that all requirements are met before filing a claim. Manufacturers are aware of this and often prefer to negotiate a settlement agreement to avoid a costly and lengthy legal battle that they could potentially lose.

However, if the settlement offer proposed by Maserati is considered unsatisfactory, your attorney may recommend proceeding to trial. The goal is to achieve a more favorable settlement proposal and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your defective Maserati.

No Win, No Fee

The best part about this plan is that you won’t have to incur any expenses for your attorney’s services. It’s true! You can have a high-quality Lemon Law attorney representing you without any upfront expenses.

In California, Lemon Law attorneys operate on a “no win, no fee” basis. This means that the auto manufacturer (Maserati) is responsible for paying their fees as part of the settlement, and attorneys only receive payment if they win your case!


Other Maserati Settlement Options

In California, it is important to note that a Lemon Law claim does not automatically lead to a buyback. While the Maserati Buyback settlement is one option for compensation, there are alternative routes available for the auto manufacturer to address your defective vehicle. The two primary alternatives are Vehicle Replacement and Cash and Keep Settlement options.

Vehicle Replacement

Rather than repurchasing the defective vehicle, Maserati may offer to replace it with a similar make and model that is free from any defects or issues covered by the Lemon Law. This option allows you to obtain a fully functional vehicle without the recurring problems you have experienced.

Cash and Keep Settlement

Another option available is a cash settlement from Maserati, which would allow you to keep the defective vehicle. The agreed-upon amount seeks to compensate for the diminished value of the vehicle caused by its ongoing issues. Agreeing to this option provides you with the flexibility to retain ownership of the vehicle while also receiving financial compensation for its defects.

Now, the specific details of these settlement options can vary depending on your unique case circumstances and the ongoing negotiations with Maserati. Therefore, it is advisable to seek guidance from a Maserati Lemon Law attorney who can help evaluate the available options and pursue the most advantageous resolution for your situation.


Talk to a Maserati Lemon Law Attorney Today

Watch VIDEO: Consult a Maserati Lemon Law Attorney For Free

During the free initial consultation, your attorney will conduct a thorough evaluation of the merits of your case, customize a legal strategy based on your unique circumstances, and offer crucial guidance and regular updates throughout the entire process.

You don’t need to tolerate the situation any longer. It’s time to address your lemon issue and ensure you receive the rightful compensation you deserve. Remember, the law is on your side, and you shouldn’t be stuck with a lemon!


Winning Your Maserati Lemon Law Claim

The Maserati Lemon Law buyback option is the most favorable outcome that you can hope for when seeking compensation for your defective vehicle.

If your attorney can achieve this settlement, you will not only recover the entire vehicle purchase price but also be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses you incurred during the repair process, such as towing, temporary rental vehicles, and repair costs.

This settlement allows you to be free from the burden of the defective vehicle and gives you the opportunity to purchase a completely new vehicle that is free of defects. You can now live without the stress and frustration that constant repairs bring and move on with your life.

By filing and winning your Maserati claim, you are helping to advance consumer rights in California. No car owner deserves to be burdened with a lemon, and major companies such as Maserati have a responsibility to provide high-quality products to individuals who are paying a substantial amount of money for these products.



Maserati logo and corporate headquarters in Modena, ItalyEstablished in 1914, Maserati S.p.A. is an acclaimed Italian luxury vehicle manufacturer that boasts a worldwide reputation for producing high-quality, high-performance, and elegantly designed cars. Headquartered in Modena, Italy, the company has been manufacturing cars for over a century, with a rich heritage in racing, including victories in Formula One and sports car championships. The company has been owned by Stellantis since 2021.

However, while Maserati is widely celebrated for its luxurious and top-performing vehicles, some concerns have been raised about their reliability. According to some technicians and industry studies, Maseratis are considered to have lower reliability and higher annual repair costs than other car brands. In a recent study conducted by the CALPIRG Education Fund, Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety (CARS) Foundation, and Frontier Group, Maserati was noted for having some of the highest number of Lemon Law cases per car sold between 2018 and 2021.

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