
Five Common Mistakes To Avoid When Pursuing A Lemon Law Claim With Honda

Every year, Honda gets sued by many faulty vehicle owners. Although lemon law in California is simple, it can also be complicated sometimes. So, there are some things you should do and not do when pursuing lemon law. In this article, we will talk about mistakes that car owners often make when they file a claim. If you avoid these mistakes, you can have a better chance of success.  



Lacking An Expert Lemon Lawyer 

Many people don’t hire a lawyer when they have a lemon car because they worry about the cost. But in California, you don’t have to pay legal fees to file a claim against the car maker – those fees are the responsibility of the manufacturer. So, if you think your Honda is a lemon, the first thing to do is to talk to a lawyer. They can give you good advice and tell you what your options are.

It’s important to have a lawyer who specializes in lemon law. They can help you avoid any mistakes that could hurt your case. And having a good lawyer can increase your chances of winning. So don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

Watch: Your Ultimate Resource: Understanding the Honda Lemon Law Buyback Process


Assuming Lemon Law Does Not Cover Your Vehicle 

Another common mistake is assuming that your car is not covered by the lemon law program. If you’ve had several failed repairs, it’s best to start considering that your car may be a lemon. This applies to both purchased and leased vehicles, whether new or used, as long as they are still under the manufacturer’s warranty.

In general, if your vehicle has defects within the first 18 months or 18,000 miles after purchase, it could be a lemon. As such, you may be eligible for compensation. Even if the issues happen after this point, it could still qualify, if there were repairs attempted during the warranty period.

It’s important to note that while most vehicles purchased within California qualify for a buyback or replacement, those purchased outside of California can still make a claim under the federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. Additional details about the Honda Lemon Law buyback settlement option, mechanics, eligibility standards, affected vehcles, common defects, etc.

Not Making Proper Documentation Of Your Claim 

To make a successful claim under the Honda lemon law, you need more than just your word. You must provide evidence that supports your allegations of defects in your vehicle. This evidence includes documents like repair invoices, sales receipts, warranty contracts, and others. It’s also important to keep detailed notes of your interactions with the manufacturer or dealership. Without proper documentation, your case may not have the credit it needs to succeed.

As such, it is important to save and make copies of the following documents that may be relevant to your case: 

  • Repair invoice 
  • Repair order 
  • Sales contract
  • Warranty contract, and other important papers. 

There may be additional documentation that can help strengthen your case, such as rental and towing receipts. See our in-depth article on what documents are essential to your lemon law claim.




Making Continuous Attempts To Repair Your Honda Lemon 

The California lemon law requires that you make a reasonable number of attempts to repair the vehicle before it’s considered a lemon. As a result, many have taken this ‘reasonable number’ to mean a whole lot of attempts. 

You don’t need to keep taking your car for repairs over and over again to meet the “reasonable attempt” requirement. Four repair attempts can be reasonable, except in cases where the defect is dangerous and could cause harm to you or others. In those cases, two repair attempts are enough. Continuing to take your car in for repairs just to meet this requirement can be a waste of time and money. Plus, there is a four-year limit on making lemon law claims, starting from the first time you noticed the defect. So, it’s important to avoid this mistake and not exceed the time limit.

Instead, it is more important to talk to an attorney as soon as you begin to suspect your vehicle is defective. They will be able to tell you the number of repairs needed and begin processing your claim before it’s too late.

Vaguely Stating Your Complaint 

When you report issues with your Honda to the service department, be clear and concise about the problem so they can document it accurately. If you don’t provide enough detail, it may be difficult to move forward with your lemon law claim.

However, be careful not to give too much information, as it could cause confusion if the documented issue is different from your complaint. Strike a balance by only describing the symptoms you’ve experienced and leaving the diagnosis and repairs to the dealership. This will help you avoid downplaying your car’s defects and increase your chances of a successful claim.





To sum up, to successfully pursue a lemon law claim with Honda, it’s important to avoid common mistakes. Make sure to contact a lawyer who can give you accurate information about your rights and the options available to you. Don’t assume that your car is not covered by lemon law and always keep proper documentation of your claim. Finally, contacting an experienced lawyer is key to increasing your chances of winning your claim. Good luck! 

Why Having Appropriate Legal Representation Is Crucial 

After learning that your car is a lemon, dealing with the automakers can be difficult, particularly if they are uncooperative. And since you would have to present convincing evidence, why not do it with the aid of a knowledgeable California lemon law attorney? You can get in touch with our staff right now by calling (323) 553-7525 or filling out the form here. In order to establish the appropriate course of action and guarantee the best outcome for your case, we will competently investigate your case.

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