
2020 Chevy Impala Turns Candy Business Sour For Owner


By Suzanne Henderson
LETTER 73 – November 2022 | Irritated Candy

Dear Suzanne, 

My name is Candy and I make and sell candy and pastries for a living (I know, fitting, right?) I’m writing to share my frustration with my 2020 Chevy Impala, which has caused me a lot of problems in the past year and a half. As a candy maker and seller, timely deliveries are crucial to my business, and I’ve built a good reputation with my customers by being dependable. However, lately I’ve been falling behind on delivery times due to my car’s defects, which has made me look unprofessional, especially with new clients.

To give you some context, I’ve had my Impala for about a year and a half, and it has only 17,000 miles on it. Before purchasing it, I had always wanted this car and worked hard for seven years to be able to afford it. I never expected to have so many issues with it so soon.

The first problem I had with the Impala was when I received a recall notice from the manufacturer. I had to put off some pastry deliveries to have my car checked out at the Chevrolet dealership, which caused some inconvenience for my clients. But when I got there, they told me nothing was wrong with my car. This was frustrating, as I hate receiving complaints from my clients, especially when it comes to being on time.

But that was just the beginning of my car troubles. Two weeks ago, I was on my way to deliver cakes and confectioneries for a friend’s birthday party when my car started jerking violently. I pulled over and was about to turn back to meet the dealer, but the jerking stopped, so I decided to continue on my way. However, I then experienced a delay in acceleration, even when I pressed the gas pedal all the way down. The check engine light on the dashboard also started flickering, indicating something was wrong. Despite my concerns about being late for my delivery, I knew I had to turn back and take my car to the dealership for diagnosis. Once again, they told me nothing was wrong with my car. How can they explain all the issues I experienced on my way to the party?

As a result of my car problems, I missed my friend’s party and disappointed her. She was understandably upset, as she had to continue the party without the things I was supposed to bring. I really love my Impala, but I’m just so tired of these false alarms and the impact they’re having on my business. I can’t keep going like this, as I risk losing clients if I can’t meet deadlines. Is there anything that can be done to resolve this?

Irritated Candy


mechanic consult


Your Vehicle Is Known Generally For Being Defective

Dear Candy,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing problems with your 2020 Chevy Impala and that it’s affecting your business. It can be frustrating to feel like you’re stuck with a defective vehicle that you paid for with your hard-earned money. Fortunately, there’s a way to get the justice you deserve through the lemon law.

The lemon law requires that you have at least two visits to the dealership for the same issue within the warranty period in order to qualify. However, it’s worth noting that vehicles like yours and others from this manufacturer are often very defective, so it’s possible for your attorney to take up your case with just one visit. As long as you’re willing to continue taking your car in for any other issues that come up, even if the dealership is unable to replicate the problems, you may have a strong case. It’s also important to keep in mind that even though the issues you’re experiencing now may not seem like a big deal, they could potentially get worse over time.

The good news is that you’re still within the warranty period and haven’t reached the end of your basic or powertrain warranties. The basic warranty covers bumper-to-bumper issues like electrical, brakes, and steering, and expires after 3 years or 36k miles. The powertrain warranty covers transmission and engine issues and becomes void after 5 years or 60k miles. The more visits you have to the dealership, even if they’re unable to replicate the issues, the more evidence you have of the car’s defects, and the more money you may be entitled to through the lemon law. While it may be difficult to let go of the vehicle, it may be your best option if the problems are already occurring.

There are a couple of different options available to you through the lemon law. One is the buyback, which involves the manufacturer buying the vehicle back from you and reimbursing you for everything you’ve paid towards it, including down payments, monthly payments. Find out more about the Chevrolet Lemon Law Buyback settlement option here. I would definitely recommend getting in contact with an experienced lemon law attorney as soon as you can to resolve this headache before it affects your business further.




Free Legal Advice About Your 2020 Chevrolet Impala Lemon Law Claim

Dear reader, are your vehicle problems ruining your life? Confused about what legal route to take? We’re here to help! Find information about California’s lemon law protections here, fill out the form on this page, or give us a call at (323) 553-7525 to discuss your situation with someone who understands how frustrating it can be to have a lemon car, and what to do about it.

DEAR SUZANNE is a weekly column written by Suzanne Henderson and published in LemonLawyers.ORG. If you have a defective lemon vehicle and have questions about CA Lemon Law or how to file a claim in California, please write to While not guaranteed, we will try to feature your letter in this column to provide you the answers you need, as well as enlighten other consumers who may have lemon problems similar to yours.

Disclaimer: Suzanne Henderson is not a lawyer and the points discussed here are intended for general information and reference purposes only and not to be construed as legal advice. Please consult a CA Lemon Law Attorney to get proper legal advice about your lemon law claim.

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